Laser Frenectomy Southampton

A Modern Solution for Lip and Tongue-Ties

With a frenectomy, lip and tongue-ties can be corrected within minutes, leading to a significant improvement in the patient’s life from that point forward. Many people are nervous about having a frenectomy performed – whether it’s for themselves or their children – but at Philadelphia Tongue and Lip Tie Center, the process is more comfortable than you think because we use a state-of-the-art laser. Reach out to us today to learn more about the benefits of a laser frenectomy in Southampton.

Why Choose Philadelphia Tongue and Lip Tie Center for Laser Frenectomies?

  • Trustworthy LightScalpel® CO2 Laser
  • Highly Experienced Dentist
  • Patients of All Ages Welcome

What Exactly Is a Frenectomy?

Person stretching their upper lip upward to show frenulum

A frenectomy is a simple type of oral surgery. Its purpose is to remove the tissue that is preventing the lips and/or tongue from moving as they should. Since every patient is different, the exact amount of tissue that needs to be removed can vary. Regardless of the amount, though, the treatment can make a bigger difference than you might realize, often significantly improving the patient’s ability to speak clearly, eat properly, and breathe without issue.  

Why We Only Do Laser Frenectomies

Illustrated dental laser being used during a frenectomy

While frenectomies can be performed with a scalpel, our practice prefers to use a LightScalpel® CO2 laser. This approach has several benefits for our patients, not the least of which is the fact that laser treatments tend to be significantly more comfortable. Also, the lasers we use are quite precise, which helps ensure that we do not remove more tissue than we need to. Compared to traditional frenectomies, laser frenectomies tend to result in less swelling and bleeding.

How Does a Laser Frenectomy Work?

Young girl grinning in dental treatment chair

A concentrated beam of light is aimed at the overly restrictive frenulum that is causing the lip or tongue-tie. Using this beam, we will remove a small amount of tissue to allow the lips or tongue to move more freely. Since the laser helps cauterize the treatment area, there will be little to no bleeding to worry about once the treatment is complete. As a result, recovery times for frenectomies performed with a laser tend to be shorter.