Laser Frenectomy Aftercare Southampton

Helping You Have a Successful Recovery

Naturally, we do all we can to help our patients stay comfortable during their laser frenectomies. But we don’t stop there; we also help make sure that the recovery process is smooth and complication-free. Whether you’re having a frenectomy performed for yourself or your child, we’ll make sure that you’re fully informed about what aftercare steps are required. Before you call to schedule an appointment at Philadelphia Tongue and Lip Tie Center, read below to get an idea of what the frenectomy recovery process in Southampton will look like.

Why Choose Philadelphia Tongue and Lip Tie Center for Laser Frenectomies?

  • State-of-the-Art LightScalpel® CO2 Laser
  • Gentle, Caring Dentist and Team
  • Adults and Children Both Welcome

What to Expect After a Laser Frenectomy

Young child smiling in dental chair after laser frenectomy in Southampton

Laser frenectomies cause so little discomfort that oftentimes they don’t even require a local anesthetic. However, once the treatment is complete, the patient might experience some soreness, and the gums may be somewhat tender. Fortunately, taking ibuprofen or another type of over-the-counter pain medication can usually help. During the first part of the recovery process, the patient should plan on only eating soft foods; hard foods are best avoided until the mouth has sufficiently healed.

Frenectomy Aftercare at Home

Young girl laying on floor and listening to music with headphones

The patient will be given a series of stretching exercises to perform on a regular basis at home. These exercises will help ensure that the mouth heals properly. On top of that, it gives the patient a chance to start adjusting to the new freedom of movement that the lips and/or tongue now have. If an infant has had a frenectomy done, one of their parents will need to gently use their finger to perform the necessary stretches for them.

A Quick Follow-Up

Young boy smiling in dental chair

Patients should plan on returning to our office in about a week. During this follow-up visit, we will take a close look at the mouth to confirm that it is healing as expected and determine whether any adjustments are necessary. You can always give us a call if you have any questions about the recovery process; we’ll do what we can to address any concerns you might have and help you minimize the risk of complications.