Benefits & Results of a Frenectomy Southampton

The Importance of Treating Lip and Tongue-Ties

Generally speaking, when you find out that you or one of your loved ones is suffering from a lip or tongue-tie, your best option is to make the necessary arrangements to have a frenectomy performed. This procedure normally only takes a few minutes, and the results are well worth it in the long term. On this page, you can get an idea of just how much of a positive difference a frenectomy in Southampton can make. If you’re interested in learning more about this life-changing procedure, call Philadelphia Tongue and Lip Tie Center today.

Why Choose Philadelphia Tongue and Lip Tie Center for Frenectomies?

  • Dentist Who Has Performed Thousands of Frenectomies
  • Procedures Performed with State-of-the-Art Laser
  • In-Network with Multiple Insurance Providers

Eat Better

Smiling girl holding basket of strawberries

Correcting lip and tongue-ties can make it easier for your infant to feed properly, which is very good news for their overall health. Frenectomies can also help older patients eat better as well. The procedure can make chewing significantly easier, which can encourage the patient to start eating a wider variety of foods. This allows them to maintain a more varied diet, thus aiding them in getting the nutrition they need to stay healthy.

Sleep Better

Baby smiling while sleeping

Lip and tongue-ties are known to sometimes lead to snoring in babies, and they may even be a risk factor for sleep apnea later in life. However, using a frenectomy to treat the problem will go a long way toward making sure the airway remains unobstructed throughout the night, thus making it easier to get a full night’s rest. It’s important to be able to get plenty of high-quality, uninterrupted sleep every night so that your mind and body can function at their best during the daytime.

Speak Better

Girl in classroom raising her hand

Trying to speak with a lip or tongue-tie can take quite a toll on a patient’s confidence, especially if the condition causes a lisp or another noticeable impediment. A frenectomy will allow the lips and tongue to move properly again, thus making it significantly easier to pronounce certain words. The procedure gives the patient a chance to improve the way they talk, which, in the long term, can help set them up for professional success.