Philadelphia Lip & Tongue Tie Center Blog

Dental Difficulty: How Does My Toddler’s Lip Tie Affect Them?

August 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — phillytongue @ 5:38 pm
Man in red shirt helping little boy in striped t-shirt brush his teeth at bathroom sink

Being the parent of a toddler can be as joyful as it is challenging. Whether you’re working on potty training or eating meals with utensils, there are plenty of new skills to develop. However, if your little one has a lip tie, their condition can cause unique concerns you need to be aware of.

Continue reading to learn more about how their oral status can affect their quality of life and what you can do about it!


Lip and Tongue-Ties: Separating Fact from Fiction

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — phillytongue @ 9:14 pm
Child unhappy with lip and tongue-ties

Lip and tongue-ties are conditions that restrict the movement of the lips and tongue. This happens due to the shortening of the small band of skin that attaches these structures to the mouth. Despite their prevalence, many myths and misconceptions surround these conditions, making parents wary of finding treatment. If you want to learn more about these ties and dispel some of the most common myths, continue reading.
